Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Letter to Team Madia from Twice Blessed

Dear Mr. Madia:

Can your campaign comment on your feelings of the support you receive from Gavin Sullivan and his blog. Here are some excerpts from his blog of his self-proclaimed repeated harrassment of Erik Paulsen and his campaign:

How would your campaign feel if I emailed you everyday asking you if as an Edina resident I resided in CD3. Would you respond to me?

What if I emailed your campaign on a daily basis asking for clarifications on various issues with the intent to use your comment against you. Would you respond?

As a CD3 voter, I am interested to know if the tactics of Gavin Sullivan are endorsed by your campaign?

1 comment:

Gavin Sullivan said...

Hello Twice Blessed.

In your letter to Team Madia, you refer to my 'self-proclaimed repeated harassment of Erik Paulsen and his campaign'.

When did I ever 'proclaim' to have 'harassed' Paulsen? I seem to forget that post. Can you remind me?