Monday, December 17, 2012

From Gary to Gavin

Our time together yesterday was, to say the least,  an interesting serendipity.  I am still not sure how to categorize/describe our conversation, but it was interesting if nothing else.
I must admit that my experience with “good-willed skeptics” over the years has been less than satisfying.  Generally I find the discussions to be a mildly interesting walk down a dead end street.  This is often due to each of us holding our opinions/perspectives without any intention of changing or being changed.  As a result, I will engage friends in intellectual discussion, and if I seem to win the day my friend will go away thinking he simply needed more education, study, etc. to counter whatever argument that was persuasive in the moment.  The same is true for me.  If I face an argument for which I have no answer, I will simply go back to the drawing board, looking for the counter argument.  All of that can be interesting, but rarely is it productive or life changing.
That is not to say I am opposed to good intellectual interaction….but at this stage in my life I need a bigger context for that interaction.   That is to say I need a relational context for that discussion.  I need/want to know the person with whom I am having dialogue.  So if you would be interested in  spending some time getting to know each other as people, sharing our stories and how we have come to the places we are in our theological perspectives and world views, I would love further dialogue.  I would suggest some occasional lunches together and we could see where that leads.  Certainly up to you.
In terms of reading material, I would suggest starting with “Letters from a Skeptic”  by Greg Boyd, as a kind of primer/survey of how/where I am coming from in my thought processes.
Let me know what you think about my invitation and  if a future lunch would be of interest.