Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[Unedited Quotation]

This week we will be practicing identifying needs and trying to take statements where the speaker is not taking responsibility for their own feelings and translating statement into possible observation, feeling and need.

For example: the statement: "She is irresponsible: we all agreed to let someone know if we weren't going to show up."

Translation could be: "When I hear that none of us got a call from her, I feel discouraged because I want to be able to count on us carrying through with agreements we make together". (universal need identified: reliability, trust, integrity)

Isn't it nice to be reminded that we have choices in how we receive a negative message from someone or from within ourselves? One leads to compassionate conversation with self and others and others lead to contentious uncivil discourse.

Lots to absorb but we can hang in there together and slowly but surely it will sink in so don't get discouraged!